Improving the Lives of Many
Every year thousands of hardworking Mexican farm workers travel throughout the Mexican farming regions to earn enough money during the harvest season to support their families during the months when there is no work for them. Their plight is pitiful and their prospects bleak. The Manzanillo area of Colima state has some of the largest farms in Mexico where agricultural workers labor from December to February before being moved north to work other farms. To allow these workers to save part of their meager wages rather than having to spend their wages to feed their families, a growing number of volunteers have raised money to purchase and deliver food staples since 2014 to provide enough food for one to two weeks. Any surplus food is also distributed to nursing homes and orphanages. While the migrant field workers are our primary target, the areas welfare recipients are trying to live on 1,000 pesos ($52.63)* every two months and it is difficult to deny their requests.
We invite you to join us in helping these people.
*Based on 19 pesos to $1 (USD)